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Swedish Chapter Events

On this page you will find all the events relevant to the Swedish Chapter.

Swedish Chapter Annual General Meeting (Årsmöte)
Swedish Chapter Annual General Meeting (Årsmöte)
Härmed kallas till årsmöte för IDLS Swe Chapter. Mötet genomförs 2025-02-18 17:00-20:00, Tre Vapen, Drottningholm. Samling vid vakten, TrV, för gemensam inpassering senast 16:30. Anmälan och inp...

18/02/2025 - 18/02/2025


FMV/Tre Vapen, B-porten/Drottningholm

Annual General Meeting (Årsmöte)
Annual General Meeting (Årsmöte)
Årsmöte med ordinarie agenda, samt informationspunkter TBD. Detaljer avseende anmälan och inpassering delges via mail. Om du inte har fått kallelse via mail senast två veckor före mötet, kontakta ma...

15/02/2024 - 15/02/2024


FMV/Tre Vapen, Mt Everest

Annual General Meeting (årsmöte)
Annual General Meeting (årsmöte)
Årsmöte med ordinarie agenda, samt informationspunkter TBD.

21/02/2023 - 21/02/2023


FMV Tre Vapen, Mount Everest

Swedish Chapter meeting
Swedish Chapter meeting
The theme of the meeting will be experiences from a number of recent major exercises, joint and combined, obviously focusing on the role that tactical datalinks played in them. It will be a mix of presentations from the Armed Forces, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and the industr...

27/09/2022 - 27/09/2022


Saab Headquarters, Olof Palmes Gata 17, Stockholm

Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
The Swedish Chapter will hold its Annual General Meeting Tuesday the 15th of February, 16:30h via Skype. For those who are unable to use Skype, it is possible to dial in via telephone. For further information or questions regarding joining instructions, please contact magnus.k.johansson@combitech...

15/02/2022 - 15/02/2022



SWE Chapter Autumn Meeting
SWE Chapter Autumn Meeting
The theme of the meeting will be an overview of what has happened in the world of Tactical Datalinks during the pandemic, aiming at bringing the members up to speed with the current status and ongoing development. Information regarding the meeting have been sent to all listed members. Please co...

16/11/2021 - 16/11/2021


FMV TreVapen, Mt Everest

Swedish Chapter Annual General Meeting (Årsmöte)
Swedish Chapter Annual General Meeting (Årsmöte)
The Swedish Chapter will hold its Annual General Meeting the 18th of February, 16:30h via Skype. For those who are unable to use Skype, it is possible to dial in via telephone.For further informati...

18/02/2021 - 18/02/2021



IDLSoc Swedish Chapter Meeting
IDLSoc Swedish Chapter Meeting
The Swedish Chapter of IDLSoc will have their next meeting on September 12 in Stockholm at FLSC, Department for Defence and Security, Systems and Technology. The agenda for the evening contains brief...

12/09/2019 - 12/09/2019


Stockholm, FLSC, Department for Defence and Security, Systems and Technology

IDLSoc Swedish Chapter Annual Meeting
IDLSoc Swedish Chapter Annual Meeting
The next IDLSoc Swedish Chapter Annual meeting is taking place in FMV, Stockholm on the 7th of Feb 2019. The meeting starts at 17.00.

07/02/2019 - 07/02/2019


FMV, Stockholm

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