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17/02/2025 - 21/02/2025
ADNEC Centre, Abu Dhabi
18/02/2025 - 18/02/2025
FMV/Tre Vapen, B-porten/Drottningholm
03/06/2025 - 05/06/2025
Burlington, MA, USA
09/09/2025 - 12/09/2025
Excel, London, UK
06/11/2025 - 10/11/2025
Victoria, Canada
10/11/2025 - 10/11/2025
11/11/2025 - 13/11/2025
04/02/2025 - 06/02/2025
Palm Bay, Florida
04/12/2024 - 06/12/2024
Cascais, Portugal
03/12/2024 - 03/12/2024
16/10/2024 - 16/10/2024
Online via Zoom
19/09/2024 - 19/09/2024
03/09/2024 - 05/09/2024
Portsmouth University, UK
22/07/2024 - 26/07/2024
Farnbourough, UK
10/04/2024 - 10/04/2024
18/03/2024 - 21/03/2024
Calpe, Spain
27/02/2024 - 29/02/2024
21/02/2024 - 21/02/2024
15/02/2024 - 15/02/2024
FMV/Tre Vapen, Mt Everest
14/11/2023 - 16/11/2023
National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia
31/10/2023 - 02/11/2023
Herning, Denmark
30/10/2023 - 30/10/2023
26/10/2023 - 30/10/2023
18/10/2023 - 21/10/2023
Paris, France
12/10/2023 - 12/10/2023
18/09/2023 - 20/09/2023
the USAF Air Force museum at Warner Robins AFB USA
13/09/2023 - 13/09/2023
12/09/2023 - 15/09/2023
Excel, London
11/09/2023 - 29/09/2023
Schleswig (Jagel) Air Base, Germany
27/07/2023 - 27/07/2023
04/07/2023 - 05/07/2023
Thales, 350 Longwater Avenue, Green Park, Reading, Berks RG2 6GF
22/06/2023 - 22/06/2023
Kaserne Paulsberg Mühlenstraße 89, 47589 Uedem
19/06/2023 - 25/06/2023
06/06/2023 - 08/06/2023
Place name
31/05/2023 - 31/05/2023
20/04/2023 - 20/04/2023
The International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) is a premier defence exhibition serving as a global platform for showcasing cutting-edge defence technologies and fostering collaboration among international defence entities. Find out more at www.idexuae.ae
Härmed kallas till årsmöte för IDLS Swe Chapter. Mötet genomförs 2025-02-18 17:00-20:00, Tre Vapen, Drottningholm. Samling vid vakten, TrV, för gemensam inpassering senast 16:30. Anmälan och inpassering: • Anmälan om deltagande sker till Maja Hjelm (maja.hjelm@fmv.se) senast 2025-02-13. • Även den som redan har inpassering till FMV Tre Vapen behöver anmäla sig, så att förtäring i tillräcklig mängd kan beställas. • Anmälan ska innehålla: o för- och efternamn, o organisation/företag, o födelsenummer (ÅÅÅÅMMDD), för inpassering på FMV TrV), samt o eventuellt behov av specialkost. • Hämtning i vakten för gemensam inpassering, efter att du har registrerat dig i vakten och tilldelats besöksbricka, sker senast 16:30. • FM och FMV personal förutsätts ha egen myndighetslegitimation med sig för förenklad inpassering. Preliminärt program: 16:15 – 16:30 Registrering, samling vid vakten (TrV) för gemensam inpassering senast 16:30 16:30 – 17:00 Förmingel utanför Drottningholm (B-porten, källarplan) 17:00 – 18:00 formellt årsmöte 18:00 – 18:30 Paus, enklare förtäring 18:30 – 20:00 Föreläsningar, t ex • Pågående utveckling av FLSC och konsekvenser av NATO-medlemskapet gällande simulering, LVC m.m. • TDL-verksamhet på kommande Bold Quest • Chefsbyte på JDLOC: Torbjörn Strandberg kåserar om sina 15 år som chef JDLOC (TBC) • Höjdpunkter från IDLS 2024 och Nordic Chapter 2024 • Med mera 20:00 (ca): Avslutning, eskort till vakten (gäller inte de som har egen inpassering sedan tidigare). OBS! Om du inte har egen inpassering sedan tidigare, säkerställ att du blir eskorterad av FMV-personal ut till vakten! Erbjudande: Traditionen bjuder att någon av de organisationer ur vilken föreningens medlemmar kommer, sponsrar mötet med fika. Styrelsen vill i o m detta inbjuda frivillig organisation att sponsra detta årsmöte med pausfika. Sponsrande organisation kommer ges möjlighet att berätta lite om sin verksamhet. För att kunna planera ber vi den som är intresserad av detta kontakta Magnus Johansson (magnus.johansson@combitech.se) eller Johan Backman Rydberg (johan.rydberg@mil.se) senast 2025-02-12.
A must-attend event for data links professionals responsible for communications planning including interoperability, network design and management. More information at: https://www.l3harris.com/events/training/link-16-tactical-data-links-working-group
The International Data Links Symposium aims to bring together the Data Links world with the aim of improving interoperability and to further the effectiveness of digital information exchange.
Information about the Training Day will be published on the IDLS2024 website in the spring 2024
The three-day program will consist of new feature presentations, briefings from the Tactical Data Link (TDL) community, interactive demonstrations with hands-on training, and one-on-one meetings with TDL experts. Attendees will learn about our TCG LinkPRO, BOSS, GTS, HUNTR, and other offerings, which facilitate cross-functional discussion and the sharing of ideas on operational and technical aspects of tactical data link environments. More information: https://www.curtisswrightds.com/media-center/events/tcg-users-group
Join the IDLS Events Committee for an overview of the IDLS2024 technical programme so you know what to expect from this year’s symposium.
This session will discuss the challenges that hinder the ability to easily enter, and participate perfectly in a TDL architecture. Acknowledging that TDLs are far from Plug and Play, we will discuss the numerous factors that impact this challenge. The primary topics will be Planning and Interoperability, and we will break down key elements of these areas and bring focus to critical points that could make Plug and Play TDLs a reality. Please join us as the discussions are sure to be very informative.
TCF was developed with four main goals: 1. Independent/voluntary organised 2. Broaden the scope of discussion from a TDL focus to include wider, mission-critical Tactical Comms themes (TDLs, Identification (IFF) and tactical communication radios. 3. To be impartial and low-cost to attend. 4. To meet the exact requirements of attendees by ensuring that all attendees are able to contribute ideas. Find out more about this event at www.tactical-comms-forum.com
DSEI is a pivotal event for the global defence industry. As the flagship defence event for the UK, DSEI promotes the UK’s defence ethos, agenda and leadership while encouraging opportunity and cooperation with our global allies. More information: www.dsei.co.uk
In a rapidly evolving defence landscape which is pioneering new approaches to tackle the security challenges facing the modern world, it is essential to ensure that the private sector and governments from across the globe are able to convene effectively. The Farnborough International Airshow 2024 continues to play a vital role in bringing defence companies together with the strategic decision-makers behind military delegations at the show. The latest technological advancements will be on display in the exhibition halls as well as outside in the flying and static displays. Find out more at https://www.farnboroughairshow.com/
The Masterclasses offer individuals, who have some data links knowledge, the chance to receive in depth training on a particular topic. The 101 Courses are aimed at individuals who are new to the data links world. Masterclasses and 101 Courses will run concurrently. More information at www.idls2025.org
The training day courses vary from courses suitable for novices to courses that cover advanced topics. The expected number of attendees for each course will vary from 20 to 50 delegates, ensuring an engaging and personalised learning experience. More information at www.idls2025.org
IDLS is the annual data links, information exchange and training symposium. IDLS2025 will showcase presentations from the government and industry’s leading experts, guest speakers, comprehensive demonstration vignettes, and an exhibition showcase where the latest TDL capabilities will be available for detailed description by the world’s leading TDL system providers. More information at www.idls2025.org
This Data Exchange session will cover: • Why pursue a DOD TDL Cert • Overview and timeline of the DOD TDL Cert process • Cyber security impact to TDL systems • And much more
The overarching theme selected for the 26th iteration of the NTDLS is: “Enhancing Tactical Data Links to meet Digital Transformation and Multi Domain Operations requirements”. Register at https://nhqc3s.hq.nato.int/Default.aspx?site=158
Join us for an enlightening seminar that delves into the strategic landscape of Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) and Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS). Our presentation will offer an exploration of Link 16 integration within these cutting-edge technologies, providing insights into the seamless collaboration and communication capabilities it offers. Participants will gain a understanding of how these integrated systems play a pivotal role in the effective delivery of Air Power, enhancing mission success and operational efficiency. Moreover, the seminar will shed light on the future applications of Link 16, showcasing its potential advancements and adaptations in the evolving landscape of aerospace technology. We will emphasize the crucial concept of "Train as you Fight," elucidating the importance of realistic training scenarios to optimize the capabilities of Link 16-integrated RPAS and UAS. This seminar promises to be a valuable experience for professionals and enthusiasts alike, offering a forward-looking perspective on the intersection of technology and air power strategies. UAS and Link 16 with James Norful, Senior Consultant at SyntheSys Defence
Årsmöte med ordinarie agenda, samt informationspunkter TBD. Detaljer avseende anmälan och inpassering delges via mail. Om du inte har fått kallelse via mail senast två veckor före mötet, kontakta magnus.k.johansson@combitech.se.
Find out more about this event at www.milcis.com.au/
The International Data Links Symposium aims to bring together the Data Links world with the aim of improving interoperability and to further the effectiveness of digital information exchange. For more information about IDLS2023 please visit the website https://idls2023.com As the planning moves forward the event website will be updated with relevant information, in addition to the monthly updates in our Newsletter
Information about the Training Day will be published on the IDLS2023 website in the spring 2023
The 101courses is aimed at individuals who are new to the Data Links world. More information on what courses maybe available will be published in the Spring of 2023
The Masterclasses are 3 day courses which take an in depth look a particular subject from the Data Links World. More details on what these courses may cover will be published in the Spring of 2023.
In this session Jürgen Schacht will discuss what to expect from IDLS2023. These are open sessions and are a venue for members to chat/debate/reconnect.
Insert event text here
Nick Kropp, Chair of the IDLSoc Technical Committee, will give an overview of the IDLS2023 Technical Programme.
L3Harris Link 16 High Altitude Balloon (HAB) System Payload and Data Brief The High Altitude Balloon (HAB) from L3Harris provides long term persistent airborne Link16 communications for operators. The HAB is designed to perform as data relay and forwarding node, allowing the operator to remotely set up, control and configure the platform for TDL operations. Future variants will be able to be configured to limit CCI exposure in cases of denied environments.
Afternoon All, On behalf of the chairman Sqn Ldr Darren Martin you are invited to attend the UK Chapter scheduled for 04 to 05 July 2023 at Thales, 350 Longwater Avenue, Green Park, Reading, Berks RG2 6GF. The Chapter meeting will start at 1300hrs on 4th July and close at 1300hrs on 05 July 2023. A social meal will be organised for the evening of 4th for those that are interested, more details to follow. Recommendations for hotels in the area are: VOCO Reading Hotel attached to the Select Car Leasing Stadium (Reading FC) nearest to Thales Premier Inn Reading South (Reading Gateway) Holiday Inn Reading (South M4) An agenda will be distributed in due course. Please feel free to contact Sqn Ldr Martin or myself if you have any questions. Kind Regards Tracy Kerley Tracy.a.kerley@leidos.com
Der Schirmherr Oberst i.G. Gerhard Roubal lädt hiermit das "DACH Chapter" am 22. Juni 2023 von 12:00 bis 16:00 Uhr zum Besuch der größten Luftoperationsübung seit Bestehen der Luftwaffe ein.
The International Paris Air Show is organised by the SIAE, a subsidiary of GIFAS, French Aerospace Industries Association. The 54th edition of the Show will take place at the Le Bourget Parc des Expositions in June 2023, and once again will bring together all the players in this global industry around the latest technological innovations. The first four days of the Show will be reserved for trade visitors, followed by three days open to the general public.
Nick Kropp, Chair of the IDLSoc Technical Committee will host an open discussion around ETR.
The Remote Crypto Distribution System (RCDS®) from Eidsvoll Electronics AS (EIDEL) provides the user with the capability to remotely re-key crypto to multiple locations from one central site. The RCDS® solution is SECAN approved to level of NATO Secret. The management and loading of Cryptographic Variables (CVs) is a task that has to be performed on a regular basis, often daily, to all radios that need to participate in a secure network. Often the radio sites are unmanned, are in remote locations and often are difficult to access. These activities have a high cost for the military in terms of personnel and time. EIDEL will give an overview of the RCDS, challenges of Crypto Modernization and future enhancements as well as the usage for other stems like Mode V.
The DLSS is looking forward to interesting presentation and demonstration proposals as well as exciting workshop topics to plan another exciting event. The first draft of the schedule for the event will be posted on the NTDLS website in early 2023.
The DACH Chapter of the TDL Community is excited to announce its first meeting of 2023 which will be held as part of the NTDLS conference. The meeting will take place at a Hotel Diamond Beach in Calpe, Spain. This meeting will provide an opportunity for members of the TDL community to come together to discuss the latest developments in their field, share knowledge and experience, and network with like-minded professionals. Whether you are an industry expert, military SME, or just starting out in the field, this meeting is a great opportunity to connect with others and learn about new trends and technologies. Attendees can expect a dynamic and engaging two hours of discussions, presentations, and networking. So, mark your calendars and join us at the Diamond Beach Hotel in Calpe to be a part of this exciting event!
Årsmöte med ordinarie agenda, samt informationspunkter TBD.
Verehrte Chapter Mitglieder, Nach mehr als zwei Jahren Pause steht nun das erste Chapter Meeting des Deutsch, Österreichisch, Schweizer (DACH) IDLS Chapters In-Person an. Da wir nach der Gründung nur ein wirkliches Meeting hatten, bevor wir durch COVID-19 davon abgehalten wurden, sind wir wieder am Anfang und wollen eben diesen Nutzen, um uns den Aufgaben und der Rolle des Chapters zu widmen. Das nächste Meeting wird während der IDLS 2022 in Halifax, Kanada stattfinden und hält bisher folgende Punkte bereit: • Wahl des Chapter Personals • Festlegung eines Meeting-Schedule • Sammlung von Beiträgen für die folgenden Meetings Sie/ihr seid herzlich eingeladen an diesem Prozess teilzuhaben und Ihre/eure Ideen und Wünsche einzubringen. Für alle die nicht nach Halifax kommen können, möchten wir gerne anbieten, dass ihr uns eure Punkte und Ideen per email im Vorfeld zukommen lasst und wir diese im Meeting besprechen. Wir hoffen, euch zahlreich in Halifax begrüßen zu können und freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen live und in Farbe! Beste Grüße Eure Chairs (Jens & Kai)
Event information to follow.
The Training Day will offer its usual high level of courses aimed at a wide range of attendees, from novices to experts.
These are open sessions which have no defined topic but are a venue for members to chat/debate/reconnect.
More details to follow.
The theme of the meeting will be experiences from a number of recent major exercises, joint and combined, obviously focusing on the role that tactical datalinks played in them. It will be a mix of presentations from the Armed Forces, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and the industry (Saab) followed by discussions and a tour of the Saab Show Room. Timings and details regarding registration will be distributed to the members via mail.
Nick Kropp, Chair of Technical Committee will give an overview of the IDLS2022 Technical Programme.
I’m sure we all know that understanding the Interoperability of our national platforms (or sometimes lack of interoperability) is a complex problem. eSMART provides a range of integrated tools and reference data that can turn this task from something unmanageable into a coherent part of your specification, development and testing activities. In this overview, we will highlight IO problems and the way eSMART helps to manage, engage and deal with them.
Placeholder for UK Chapter and AGM. Agenda to follow soon.
This session will outline the numerous requirements involved with planning and executing an effective Multi-TDL Architecture. New systems and capabilities will make this task even more difficult. These challenges will be detailed in terms of how they are met today, and then focus on methods and solutions that will improve future TDL planning and execution. The key points and potential solutions will be presented to facilitate effective “Data Exchange”. The goal will be identifying viable means to simplify TDL planning in the future, and achieve the ultimate goal of turning that plan into an effective Multi-TDL Architecture.
A discussion about the US Chapter contribution to IDLS in Halifax, and general discussion.
An overview of LINK-16 key loading strategies and techniques utilizing the AN/PYQ-10A(c) Simple Key Loader (SKL) with various LINK-16 equipment: MIDS-JTRS, MIDS-LVT, and KOR-24A STT.
These are open sessions which have no defined topic but are a venue for members to chat/debate/reconnect. As part of this meeting we will be asking if you want Networking Sessions set up across the time zones and will be looking for volunteers who are happy to start the calls if the secretariat is not available and initiate the conversation.
The Swedish Chapter will hold its Annual General Meeting Tuesday the 15th of February, 16:30h via Skype. For those who are unable to use Skype, it is possible to dial in via telephone. For further information or questions regarding joining instructions, please contact magnus.k.johansson@combitech.se. Välkommen till årsmöte 15/2 kl. 16:30. Kallelse med Skype-länk och telefonnummer skickas ut under vecka 4. Om du inte fått någon kallelse senast 1/2, kontakta magnus.k.johansson@combitech.se.
The theme of the meeting will be an overview of what has happened in the world of Tactical Datalinks during the pandemic, aiming at bringing the members up to speed with the current status and ongoing development. Information regarding the meeting have been sent to all listed members. Please contact the chairman Johan Backman Rydberg (johan.rydberg@mil.se) or Magnus Johansson (magnus.k.johansson@combitech.se) if you haven’t received an e-mail with the information or if you would like to share something during the meeting.
Planning is underway and the IDLS2021 website is being updated with relevant information on a regularly basis. For more information please visit please visit the website. Updates on the event and calls for presentations can also be found in our monthly newsletters .
Training Day will offer its usual high level of courses aimed at a wide range of attendees, from novices to experts. Details about the course on offer can be found at idls2021.com.
Fundamentally Link 16 is about to go through its biggest change since its inauguration in the 1970’s. The introduction of MIDS BU2/MIDS JTRS incorporating new capability/functionality along with more complex detailed standards, will put increased emphasis on establishing accurate comprehensive requirements for the through life management of the respective Platform implementations. Additionally, Link 11 is going through the process of being replaced by Link 22. Although Link 22 is more aligned to Link 16 from a design perspective, there is still going to be heavy reliance on establishing clear defined requirements. For many years TDL’s have been integrated and operated from a stove pipe approach, in recent times emphasis is now more on the overarching communications infrastructure with the end goal of achieving maximum interoperability. From the outset, Leidos identified the clear requirement for a TDL management process and initiated the iSMART process and developed a supporting toolset, eSMART. Over the last 20+ years Leidos has maintained and enhanced the eSMART toolset capabilities with direct support from the user community. The iSMART process is mandated in the UK and USA and eSMART is the preferred tool of choice in 13 Nations and multiple corporations/manufacturers globally. To that end we would like to provide an overview of the eSMART toolset and the benefits to the TDL community that will provide long term savings in time, resources and budgets for the management of multiple TDLs across all environments.
Fundamentally Link 16 is about to go through its biggest change since its inauguration in the 1970’s. The introduction of MIDS BU2/MIDS JTRS incorporating new capability/functionality along with more complex detailed standards, will put increased emphasis on establishing accurate comprehensive requirements for the through life management of the respective Platform implementations. Additionally, Link 11 is going through the process of being replaced by Link 22. Although Link 22 is more aligned to Link 16 from a design perspective, there is still going to be heavy reliance on establishing clear defined requirements. For many years TDL’s have been integrated and operated from a stove pipe approach, in recent times emphasis is now more on the overarching communications infrastructure with the end goal of achieving maximum interoperability.
From the outset, Leidos identified the clear requirement for a TDL management process and initiated the iSMART process and developed a supporting toolset, eSMART. Over the last 20+ years Leidos has maintained and enhanced the eSMART toolset capabilities with direct support from the user community. The iSMART process is mandated in the UK and USA and eSMART is the preferred tool of choice in 13 Nations and multiple corporations/manufacturers globally. To that end we would like to provide an overview of the eSMART toolset and the benefits to the TDL community that will provide long term savings in time, resources and budgets for the management of multiple TDLs across all environments.
This data exchange session will focus on data link forwarding and translation in a Digitally Aided Closed Air Support (DACAS) environment. While translation between VMF and Link 16 is possible for nearly all the message sets, it is important to demonstrate how specific message sets fit in DACAS doctrine. Rather than using expensive gateways to translate and forward all possible data, we will discuss how to use a gateway for specific IER support. It is also critical to consider the low data rates and limited tools available in the DACAS kill chain and how to address a complex situation in a simple manner. Curtiss-Wright will reference its HUNTR gateway software to demonstrate the translation and forwarding capability. Key operational components of HUNTR regarding simplicity will also be demonstrated. Curtiss-Wright will be able to answer questions related to DACAS ECP 5 and how data link gateways are designed to function within these capabilities.
This data exchange session will focus on data link forwarding and translation in a Digitally Aided Closed Air Support (DACAS) environment. While translation between VMF and Link 16 is possible for nearly all the message sets, it is important to demonstrate how specific message sets fit in DACAS doctrine. Rather than using expensive gateways to translate and forward all possible data, we will discuss how to use a gateway for specific IER support. It is also critical to consider the low data rates and limited tools available in the DACAS kill chain and how to address a complex situation in a simple manner.
Curtiss-Wright will reference its HUNTR gateway software to demonstrate the translation and forwarding capability. Key operational components of HUNTR regarding simplicity will also be demonstrated.
Curtiss-Wright will be able to answer questions related to DACAS ECP 5 and how data link gateways are designed to function within these capabilities.
Chapter Meeting: Chairman’s Address Presentations: Meta Mission Data (MMD) JDLMO Leidos AGM Agenda: Minutes of the Last AGM Matters Arising Treasurers Report Secretary’s Report Election of Officers Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Events Secretary AOB Arrangements for Next Meeting Seating will be iaw a 1m distance policy and if attendees wish to wear a mask then they may do so. A social event is planned for the evening of 09 Sept. If anyone is willing to stand as an Officer on the Committee, then please contact Tracy Kerley (tracy.a.kerley@leidos.com) Regards, Kevin Farquhar Sec
CESMO is an interoperability method and protocol which uses IP (Internet Protocol) messaging transmitted using existing airto- air and air-to-ground/ground-to-air communications. CESMO provides a real-time depiction of the location of hostile ground-based air surveillance and fire-control or ground controlled interception radars during air operations. The ability to determine the exact location of hostile radars in real time, and to share that information with other platforms, is crucial. One of the clever aspects of CESMO is that it is not needed to devise a new datalink or communications network to share this information. Any already existing link which can handle IP data can handle CESMO traffic. The key contribution CESMO can make, particularly for the air battle, is providing real-time details of hostile emitters active in the theatre of operations.
CESMO is an interoperability method and protocol which uses IP (Internet Protocol) messaging transmitted using existing airto- air and air-to-ground/ground-to-air communications.
CESMO provides a real-time depiction of the location of hostile ground-based air surveillance and fire-control or ground controlled interception radars during air operations.
The ability to determine the exact location of hostile radars in real time, and to share that information with other platforms, is crucial.
One of the clever aspects of CESMO is that it is not needed to devise a new datalink or communications network to share this information. Any already existing link which can handle IP data can handle CESMO traffic.
The key contribution CESMO can make, particularly for the air battle, is providing real-time details of hostile emitters active in the theatre of operations.
This message is to inform you that this year’s Curtiss-Wright’s TCG Users Group (TUG) Meeting has been cancelled due to logistical and scheduling conflicts. While this is disappointing for all of us, we hope you understand that we did not make this decision lightly and remain committed to providing our clients and partners with the best tactical data link (TDL) products, services, and support. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to renewing the event in 2022. Stay safe, and please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
This message is to inform you that this year’s Curtiss-Wright’s TCG Users Group (TUG) Meeting has been cancelled due to logistical and scheduling conflicts. While this is disappointing for all of us, we hope you understand that we did not make this decision lightly and remain committed to providing our clients and partners with the best tactical data link (TDL) products, services, and support.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to renewing the event in 2022.
Stay safe, and please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
More details to follow
Hello from the Technical committee. This year we again have the opportunity to expand on what the expectations are from the international demonstration. As we start planning, we are taking one of the Data Exchange Sessions, which are open to all members, so we can hear what you would like the demonstrations to show. It will be your chance to shape this year’s demonstration and help both the Technical Committee, and the vendors, develop a really useful demonstration. Although we cannot meet in person, we can focus on the communication pathways that are the focus of the demonstration. We are facing emerging military threats, unstable regimes and the cyber warfare tactics of non-Allied Nations. This year the international demonstration will provide the participants to push the boundaries of what’s expected. Each vendor will be given one (or more) time slots to showcase capabilities in Link16, Link22, COT, JREAP, Cyber, VMF, and other communication means. We will begin coordination for the demonstration in May, and we look forward to your participation.
Hello from the Technical committee. This year we again have the opportunity to expand on what the expectations are from the international demonstration. As we start planning, we are taking one of the Data Exchange Sessions, which are open to all members, so we can hear what you would like the demonstrations to show. It will be your chance to shape this year’s demonstration and help both the Technical Committee, and the vendors, develop a really useful demonstration.
Although we cannot meet in person, we can focus on the communication pathways that are the focus of the demonstration. We are facing emerging military threats, unstable regimes and the cyber warfare tactics of non-Allied Nations.
This year the international demonstration will provide the participants to push the boundaries of what’s expected. Each vendor will be given one (or more) time slots to showcase capabilities in Link16, Link22, COT, JREAP, Cyber, VMF, and other communication means. We will begin coordination for the demonstration in May, and we look forward to your participation.
This session will open 'The Data Exchange Sessions'. The question of “Where do we start?” has surfaced. The answer is, at the beginning of course. With that in mind, this session will provide brief review and description of current TDL systems as depicted in the IDLSoc tri-fold informational pamphlet. This information will then be referenced in terms of “Where do we go from here?” Stimulate discussion on the past, present and future of TDL systems. Emphasize the need for expertise at the core level, you must know the basics in order to move forward. Discussion regarding the Application of Technology advancements; “Where are we, and where do we want to be in 1, 5, 10+ years?” This session is tailored for all levels of experience, to include new users and experienced TDL personnel.
Much like Viasat's normal in-person event, this year's VDLWG provides you with unique opportunities to connect with the community through informative and interactive presentations as well as a chance to network with fellow attendees and presenters. In these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever to stay connected and up to date with other data links professionals. Registration is complimentary but required for participation. Visit the Viasat event website to save your spot https://bit.ly/2M9xXjy
The Swedish Chapter will hold its Annual General Meeting the 18th of February, 16:30h via Skype. For those who are unable to use Skype, it is possible to dial in via telephone.For further information or questions regarding joining instructions, please contact magnus.k.johansson@combitech.se. Välkommen till årsmöte: För att underlätta mötet, kommer vi att genomföra det så kortfattat som möjligt. De formella punkterna för ett årsmöte ska rullas igenom. Förslaget är att hela styrelsen och övriga förtroendevalda väljs om.
Mark Yelsits President of the US Chapter is inviting all US Members of the Society to join him for a catch up meeting on Thursday February 11th.
As you know, we have been working hard to ensure that IDLS2020 could go ahead in Herning later this year. At the July Board of Directors' meeting, we reviewed the current global situation with regards to Covid-19; the government and corporate policies and the restrictions on travel. Following this thorough review, it became clear that it would unfortunately be impossible to run the event. The Secretariat is working hard to contact everyone affected by this decision and the Technical Committee and Events Team are considering whether some form of virtual event may take place. As soon as we have more information we will share it with you. We are bitterly disappointed that we will not get to see our members and delegates in person this year. We are, however, looking forward to welcoming all of you to IDLS2021 which takes place in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada from 1 November to 4 November 2021. 21 July 2020
We are delighted to announce the plans for the IDLSoc 2020 Virtual Event. The event is free to all members of the International Data Links Society – you simply need to register. The event will run during the week that IDLS2020 was scheduled to take place; from the 26th – 30th of October 2020. This will be a virtual event made up of different elements from the live event, it will not be a complete recreation. The IDLSoc Virtual Event will include: Technical Presentations Panels 2hr long Training Overviews 25 minute Capability Overviews Annual Meeting of Members These sessions will all be live. However, each session will be pre-recorded and made available on the virtual platform to all registered attendees for those who are unable to attend. There will be a series of demonstrations by different vendors that will take place throughout the week. These will all be based around a singular scenario, allowing participants to compare capabilities, and note where different vendors’ kit can complement another vendors’ equipment. To register please visit the event site
The next demo planning call will take place on 26 May 2020 at 17:00hrs. If your organisation is considering joining this years demonstration and have not been invited to the call. Please contact events@idlsocweb.org for the call information.
Due to the current situation, it is with regret that we have taken the decision to cancel the AGM. Hopefully, we will be able to reschedule for later in the year.
The aim of the TDL Interoperability Summit is to inform stakeholders and the wider Defence and Defence Industry community of current and future issues concerning TDL in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). The focus of the TDL Interoperability Summit is to bring Defence and Industry together to develop an understanding of the issues and activities currently affecting the TDL community.
Ladies and Gentlemen, at this years IDLS 2019 in Edinburgh from the 29th to the 31st of October the second German/DACH Chapter Meeting will take place on Thursday the 31st October. We would like to invite you to this event to talk about the German, Swiss and Austrian developments in TDL, the potential of cooperation and to contribute and shape the future structure of this meeting. On our first meeting in April 2019 this chapter has established its goals, which include to be a platform to improve the cooperation and understanding of TDL insight German, Austria and Switzerland. The Agenda for our current meeting is not set yet, but we will speak about test events in Germany, upcoming TDL projects, new technologies (like the use of AI in TDL) and new information platforms to get TDL knowledge available to you. We hope to encourage you to participate in this meeting and to see many people at the meeting and IDLS. We’re looking forward to it and wish you all the best. Kind regards Chairmen Kai Thurner and Vice Chairmen Jens Paulzen
Chaired by Mark Johnson Room at EICC - TBC Main discussion points: 1. Matters from last meeting/update. 2. Future meetings. 3. Any specific areas of interest, for presentation/discussion at future meetings.
IDLS2019 Theme Announced. This year’s theme focuses on the advantage gained through the employment of Tactical Data Links. Today’s operational environment benefits greatly from the compilation of multiple data feeds. These information streams provide unprecedented situation awareness and force application capabilities. The superiority gained through these TDL systems is due in large part to the Interoperability levels achieved by the systems and services you will find at this symposium. The IDLS 2019 event will showcase educational streams, a dedicated training day, guest speakers, main stream presentations from the industry’s leading experts, comprehensive demonstration vignettes, and an exhibition showcase where the latest TDL capabilities will be available for detailed description by the world’s leading TDL system providers. We hope you find the combination of these offerings will help you achieve optimal information superiority! More information is available on the IDLS2019 Website.
Anyone willing to provide a presentation or any ideas for presentations, could they please submit them to the Secretary and Events Sec by 1st Sept. As this is taking place at a Military venue, it is important that you register for the event so all vehicle details can be forwarded onto RAF High Wycombe. Therefore, please register your attendance through the Chapter page on the IDLSoc Site. Arrangements for a post meeting social are still being finalised with High Wycombe.
The Swedish Chapter of IDLSoc will have their next meeting on September 12 in Stockholm at FLSC, Department for Defence and Security, Systems and Technology. The agenda for the evening contains briefings on FLSC simulation systems and what goes on in the near future. Meeting will start at 1700.
IDLSoc US Chapter meeting Morning session for General Committee members General session from 1200 - 1700
The Tactical Communications Forum 2019 will be held in the beautiful city of Salzburg in Austria. The TCF focus is on providing an environment for presentations and discussions only. The target audience for the TCF is Military, Government and Industry personnel and is open for all attendees to provide useful presentations.
This session is free to IDLSoc members and Australian Government employees. Registration is via the AS/NZ Chapter website under “Training”.
Germany plans to reestablish its German IDLSoc Chapter. To do so our first goal is to get as many people as possible together to discuss the future direction of the Chapter and the key roles to keep this Chapter running.
This is an annual event open to Interoperability Platform Nations, at which TDL experts can share operational, technical and scientific experiences on TDLs.
The agenda for the meeting will be published shortly
The next IDLSoc Swedish Chapter Annual meeting is taking place in FMV, Stockholm on the 7th of Feb 2019. The meeting starts at 17.00.
The annual International Data Links Symposium (IDLS) will be held in San Diego this year. This is unquestionably one of the most significant worldwide locations due to its first class resources, which are focussed on countering all military threats and developing advances in TDL technology. The International Data Links Symposium (IDLS) is a joint international community event, which spans all Data Link related capabilities and aspires to provide a programme that contains relevant, focussed and high-quality stimulus to tackle some of these transformational challenges. IDLS2018 Theme: Planning for Transformational Success The Data Links community continues to work within a world that is rapidly changing, from geopolitical, economic and technological points of view. We are facing emerging military threats, such as the ever-increasing Ballistic Missile capability of North Korea, and cyber warfare tactics of non-Allied Nations. At the same time, we are moving towards the roll out of next generation Tactical Data Link (TDL) technologies, such as Link 22 and Link 16 capable radio development and expansion. The changes that are in front of us need to be effectively managed, to ensure that we achieve a high level of collaborative interoperability, within the constraints of our individual National defence procurement budgets.
The annual International Data Links Symposium (IDLS) will be held in San Diego this year. This is unquestionably one of the most significant worldwide locations due to its first class resources, which are focussed on countering all military threats and developing advances in TDL technology. The International Data Links Symposium (IDLS) is a joint international community event, which spans all Data Link related capabilities and aspires to provide a programme that contains relevant, focussed and high-quality stimulus to tackle some of these transformational challenges.
IDLS2018 Theme: Planning for Transformational Success
The Data Links community continues to work within a world that is rapidly changing, from geopolitical, economic and technological points of view.
We are facing emerging military threats, such as the ever-increasing Ballistic Missile capability of North Korea, and cyber warfare tactics of non-Allied Nations. At the same time, we are moving towards the roll out of next generation Tactical Data Link (TDL) technologies, such as Link 22 and Link 16 capable radio development and expansion. The changes that are in front of us need to be effectively managed, to ensure that we achieve a high level of collaborative interoperability, within the constraints of our individual National defence procurement budgets.
Location: ANSER, Inc. The Conference Center at Skyline 5275 Leesburg PikeFalls Church, VA 22041The Department of Defence Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) and the U.S. Chapter of the International Data Links Society will host a U.S. Link 16 Working Group meeting on 28 - 30 March 2017The focus of the WG will be “Managing the Network in the 2022 Timeframe.” For questions and additional information, Ray Munoz (US Chapter President) at: ray.munoz@ultra-ats.com
The Australian International Airshow and Aerospace & Defence Exposition is a global business event, with total attendances over the four industry-only trade sessions of the 2015 event exceeding 33,000 .
The meeting agenda will include; a presentation from Brigadier General Anna Eriksson, Chief of C4ISR, a presentation from HQ Gripen Strat. JAS39 Gripen E and the Swedish Chapter Annual Meeting. All members of IDLSoc Swe Chapter are welcome.